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Guaranteed tours
14-21 Sep 2024: Almonds, Olives and Volcanoes - Nisyros Island (Greece)
7-22 Oct 2024: From Krakatau to Bali - Java (Indonesia)
12-20 Oct 2024: From Stromboli to Etna - Sicily and Eolian Islands (Italy)
17-30 Nov 2024: Desert, salt and volcanoes - Danakil desert (Ethiopia)
3-17 Oct 2025: Volcanoes of Italy - the Grand Tour - Naples, Eolian Islands, Etna (Italy)
= spaces available   = guaranteed   = few spaces left   = booked out
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Sources: VolcanoDiscovery / VolcanoAdventures and other sources as noted.
Use of material: Most text and images on our websites are owned by us. Re-use is generally not permitted without authorization. Contact us for licensing rights.
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VolcanoDiscovery GmbH, Germany, Reg. nr.: HRB 103744, EU Tax Id: DE 297 465 123 owned and created by
Dr. Tom Pfeiffer, volcanologist, volcano photographer, tour organizer member of
Vulkanologische Gesellschaft
Volcanological Society
Ecotourism Greece
Ecotourism Greece
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