Color code explanation (click to close legend)

Black = (Probably) extinct

Green = normal activity / dormant

Yellow = unrest: some signs of unrest, but no eruption in near future (days to weeks) likely

Orange = Minor activity / eruption warning: infrequent small eruptions or strong signs that suggest an eruption could be imminent (days or few weeks)

Red = Eruption: includes volcanoes with near-permanent activity (e.g. Stromboli)

Dark red = Major Eruption: large explosive (VEI>4) or otherwise very significant eruptions
Notes: The status colors of volcanoes are our subjective interpretation of activity status (unrest, alert, erupting, major eruption) and have no official significance, although we try to keep them in agreement with various existing official color and alert codes. Recently updated volcanoes are represented with an animated triangle.
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